URA Finals Scenario
Being the very first scenario, URA Finals was released alongside the game on February 24, 2021.
Narratively, this scenario focuses on the titular set of URA Finals races established by the Tracen Academy chairwoman Yayoi Akikawa. You will spend three years in training, aiming to become the champion of these new races.

Table of Contents
- Basic Information
- Scenario Link
- Fixed Training Events
- Happy Meek Duels
- Base Training Values
- Unique Skill Level-Ups
- Training Facility Levels
- Scenario Factor
- Stat Caps
Basic Information
During the URA Finals journey, you will have to clear character-specific objectives to advance. There are multiple types, like participating in a particular race, achieving certain placements, or gathering a specific amount of fans.
Clearing all objectives will allow you to participate in the URA Finals qualifiers. Win these to move on to the semi-finals, and then the grand finals.
The trainer Aoi Kiryuin and her trainee, Happy Meek, appear in this scenario as story characters, and will be your rivals on the way to the top.

Scenario Link
The URA Finals features Aoi Kiryuin as a scenario link character. Her training events will be strengthened if you use any of her support cards in your deck.
Specifically, the training event 「二人三脚」, which occurs during the first half of November in the second year, will now award a level 3 hint for on success (instead of level 1).
Fixed Training Events
During Early November of the second year, the event 「二人三脚」featuring Aoi Kiryuin will trigger. If you have gathered 50.000 fans by then, you will be awarded a level 1 hint for the skill, 20 Skill Points, and 20 Wisdom. This event is affected by the scenario link, as described in the section above.
During the end of Late July (halfway through summer camp) in years two and three, a training event called 「アツい差し入れ」 featuring Chairman Akikawa is guaranteed to trigger. This event will restore 30 energy.
Events that can raise your character's unique skill level will trigger in Early February (Valentine's Day), Early April, and Late December (Christmas) of the second year. For specifics, see the Unique Skill Level-ups section.
Happy Meek Duels
Duels with Happy Meek are a mechanic added in the November 2022 update. During training, facilities may randomly include Happy Meek as a training partner. Whenever there is an orange 対決 mark on her icon, carrying out that training will trigger a training event where you can duel her. Failing the training will not start a duel.

You'll be given three choices. The first one will always be the stat type that triggered the duel; the other two will be random choices picked from the five stat types and Energy (体力).

Each choice will also show your chances to succeed at the said duel, indicated by the usual ✕, △, 〇, and ◎. Succeeding will raise Happy Meek's level for the next duel and award you with the following:
- a stat uncap of 4 for the targeted stat,
- between 10-25 of the targeted stat (depending on Happy Meek's level),
- 30 skill points,
- 4 maximum energy,
- a skill hint for the relevant "Essence of Racing" skill (see list below).
Winning repeated duels focused on the same stat will raise the hint level further.
Losing a duel will award 5-15 of the targeted stat depending on the level and 5 SP.
Here is a list of all obtainable Essence of Racing skills:
An inheritance factor for each of these new skills also exists. They have a common and an enhanced ("+") version, each going from 1 to 3 stars as usual. The common versions simply grant hint levels for the respective skills, while the enhanced versions will also grant some of the respective stat (or SP in case of the factor).
What decides whether you can get the normal or plus factor is still under investigation, but it might be related to maxing out Happy Meek's level and winning against her in the URA Finals Final race.

The difficulty of these duels scales with Happy Meek's level. Winning 5 duels will max out her level (displayed as "Lv MAX" in the duel icon), causing a strengthened version of her with a blue-glowing aura to appear in the URA Finals Final race. Similar to legend races, there will be a cut-in before/after the race.
She will have the following aptitudes, skills, motivation, and something in the range of the following stats (specifics can vary by ±10 in each stat):

Winning against this powered-up Happy Meek will affect the 「URAファイナルズ決勝の後に」 training event that occurs at the end of the run. It will now award you with a hint for the scenario skill, as well as giving you 20 of every stat and 150 SP (these values are affected by race bonus). Your chances of receiving the URA Finals scenario factor will also be raised.
If you don't trigger her appearance, the event will instead award 10 of every stat as well as 80 SP (also affected by race bonus) with no hints given.
Base Training Values
These are the base training values for the URA Finals scenario. This means that training at the specified facility, without any support cards present and without accounting for character growth rate bonuses, will yield the following stats at facility level 1.
Facility | Stat gains | Energy |
Speed | +11 Speed, +6 Power, +4 SP | -21 |
Stamina | +10 Stamina, +6 Guts, +4 SP | -19 |
Power | +6 Stamina, +9 Power, +4 SP | -20 |
Guts | +5 Speed, +5 Power, +8 Guts, +4 SP | -22 |
Wisdom | +2 Speed, +10 Wisdom, +5 SP | +5 |
Experienced players may recall the URA Finals as they were prior to the update in November 2022, before these values received an overall increase.
Facility | Old stat gains | Gain buffs | Energy |
Speed | +10 Speed, +5 Power, +2 SP | +1 Speed, +1 Power, +2 SP | -21 |
Stamina | +9 Stamina, +4 Guts, +2 SP | +1 Stamina, +2 Guts, +2 SP | -19 |
Power | +5 Stamina, +8 Power, +2 SP | +1 Stamina, +1 Power, +2 SP | -20 |
Guts | +4 Speed, +4 Power, +8 Guts, +2 SP | +1 Speed, +1 Power, +2 SP | -22 |
Wisdom | +2 Speed, +9 Wisdom, +4 SP | +1 Wisdom, +1 SP | +5 |
Unique Skill Level-Ups
During the three years of training, you will have three chances to level up your character's unique skill.
These are triggered by getting 60.000 fans by Valentine's Day (Early February), 70.000 fans by Early April, and 120.000 fans by Christmas (Late December) of the Senior year (the third year).
You can still trigger the later events even if you missed a previous one. For example, if you missed the Valentine's Day level-up, you can still trigger the one in Early April.
For characters with high dirt aptitude but low turf aptitude (such as Haru Urara or Smart Falcon), these values are lowered to 40.000, 60.000, and 80.000, respectively.
The April level-up also requires a green bond gauge (3 bars) with chairman Akikawa.
Training Facility Levels
The level of the training facilities in the URA Finals scenario will rise depending on how often you train at them.
All facilities start at level 1 and level up every four times you use them. For example, training Speed four times will raise its level from 1 to 2, another four trainings will increase the level from 2 to 3, and so forth, until level 5.
Scenario Factor
The scenario factor obtainable in the URA Finals is called "URA Scenario" (URAシナリオ). It will increase your Speed and Stamina when triggered during inheritance events.

Stat Caps
The URA Finals scenario features the following stat caps:
Stat | Cap |
Speed | 1400 |
Stamina | 1400 |
Power | 1400 |
Guts | 1400 |
Wisdom | 1400 |